First Visit to the Dentist, 1/31

Here’s Blaine in the waiting room on his very first visit to the dentist.  Dr. Beck said Blaine’s teeth look great, and he painted on some fluoride.  Blaine has 9 teeth now – 4 on top, 4 on bottom plus one bottom right molar.  Dr Beck said 3 more molars are bulging and might break through sometime soon… poor Blaine.


Zoo, 1/26

It was such a beautiful day on 1/26 so we decided to go to the zoo in the afternoon.  We saw the baby giraffe again, who’d grown a couple of feet since the Fall.  Blaine loved seeing the elephants – he kept pointing at them and saying “want that!”

Pike Place Market, 1/26

On 1/26, we took Blaine on his first outing to Pike Place Market!

We saw the pig, and the fish market, and got some doughnuts.

PlayDate Seattle, 1/18

On 1/18 our PEPS group had a get together at PlayDate Seattle, which is an indoor play area for kids.  They had a special little area for toddlers where the kiddos could play without getting run over by the big kids.

Christmas 2013, Part 2: Pennsylvania

The second leg of our trip did not get off to great a start when Blaine lost his breakfast 20 minutes into the 3hr drive from Great Falls to Wynnewood.  We pulled over in Potomac, MD, and attempted to get everything cleaned up before we continued… luckily Blaine was able to fall asleep soon after and get his mid-day nap en route:

We were quite relieved to arrive in Wynnewood and join the Mahoney post-bowling luncheon (with Mom-Mom, Doc, Fran, Tim, Molly, Uncle Hank, Aunt Jean, Kate, Jesse, Clare, Adam, Sean, Moira, Aunt Jane and Uncle Peter).  Thanks to Uncle Tim for the pics!

Aunt Molly entertained Blaine while we settled in.  Here’s a link to a short video that I hope will work:

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That evening we trimmed the tree before leaving some cookies and milk out for Santa!

Sure enough, the next morning we discovered that Santa had found Blaine (again):

In the afternoon we had the traditional Forsyth gathering including Rich, Betsy, Stephen, Phoebe, James, Sue, Tom, Tommy, Sean, John, Mary K, Megan, Peter (and Mom-Mom, Doc, Fran, Tim, Molly, Jane, Mommy, Daddy, Blaine).  After dinner Maureen, Anthony, Maren and Rafe came by for dessert.

On 12/26 Daddy headed to NY for work and we took it easy at home because Mommy was still getting over her illness.

In the morning we ventured out to the playground with Uncle Fran and Aunt Molly:

And in the afternoon we enjoyed a visit with Uncle Peter and cousins Jane and Daniel, who weren’t able to make it on Christmas Eve:

Blaine really enjoyed playing with Aunt Molly’s “Uno Attacks” toy:

On Friday, 12/27 we went to a kids’ play area called “Lulu’s Casita” with Uncles Tim and Fran, Aunt Molly and Mom-Mom.

In the afternoon we went into the city with Aunt Jane, Uncle Fran and Molly to see Uncle Tim’s new house!  Blaine had a ball on Tim’s spiral staircases… sadly I forgot to take pictures.

Here are some other pics from the same day.  Blaine just LOVED Sarge and we were all impressed with Sarge’s patience with Blaine.  🙂

On Saturday we enjoyed the sunny weather at the playground again with Mom-Mom, Uncle Fran and Aunt Molly.  Blaine also spent time playing with another favorite toy from Christmas — this giant box:

That evening Blaine experienced another first — his first Chinese food!  He loved the Moo Shu chicken.

On Sunday, 12/29, Blaine got to meet Uncle Tim’s dog, Penny… but he wasn’t quite so fond of her as he was of Sarge!  Sorry, Penny.  We had an evening flight back to Seattle and Blaine was very well behaved and slept for most of the flight. Thanks to Mom-Mom and Doc for having us — we all had a great time!



Christmas 2013, Part 1: Virginia

On Friday, 12/20, we flew from Seattle non-stop to DC.  Blaine only slept for an hour, which made for a rough rest of the flight…

Here’s Blaine post-arrival in Daddy’s old high chair from when he was little – so retro!

Gram also introduced Blaine to the piano:

On Saturday, 12/21, Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael arrived from Baltimore and Aunt Jody flew in from San Francisco.  In the afternoon we went for a walk and played at the playground.

We probably should have realized that Blaine was teething when he was chewing on the rusty playground equipment!

That evening, Gram and Granddad prepared a delicious Christmas dinner featuring turkey and gravy and even a yule log for dessert!

And, after dinner, the stockings were hung by the chimney with care…

Sure enough, the next morning Santa had come and we all opened presents.  Here’s Blaine trying out his new push toy:

Perhaps his favorite present, though, was this box:

In the afternoon Blaine got to see Fritz, Dorothy, Cam, Megan, Marcella, Jill, Jack, Ben, Tracy, Chloe, Keenan, Amanda and David!

On Monday we took it easy (Mommy was feeling a little under the weather) and Gram, Granddad and Auny Jody packed for their trip to Hawaii!

Thank you to Gram and Granddad for hosting us – we had a wonderful time!

Infant 1

Miss Kayla took this picture of the five kids from Infant 1 at daycare who all moved on together to Toddler 2.  We were feeling sad because Dylan (back center) left the center because his family is moving to Barcelona!  I still remember meeting Dylan on my very first day at Bright Horizons with Blaine when they were both so teeny tiny.  We’ll miss you, Dylan!  The other kids are Vesper and Blaine in the back, and Robert and Erich seated in front.

PEPS, 12/15

Here are some pics from when we hosted PEPS on 12/15:

Mahoney Mini-Reunion, 12/14

On Saturday, December 14 we had a 24hr visit from Uncle Tim, who was on the west coast for work.  Uncle Jim and Aunt Denise were also visiting Seattle so we managed to get the group together for some Blaine time and dinner.

The next day we went out for a delicious brunch at Tillikum Place Cafe (yummy rabbit sausage scramble), where Blaine had his first ever taste of Nutella.  Here are some post-brunch pics where Blaine did his Virgin Mary impression for Uncle Tim… (I briefly considered how hilarious it would be to use this photo for our Christmas Card, but happily thought better of it).

Thanks for visiting, Uncle Tim!

Christmas Card Attempts, 12/14

This is proof that I was at least attempting to get a Christmas Card shot done in time for Christmas.  Of course, in reality, I just placed the order today (1/1 – Happy New Year!) so we will be wishing everyone a very belated Christmas this year.

At any rate, here are some pics of Blaine in what I thought was a very cute little Christmas-y outfit.  In looking back at the pics I’m not so sure; I think it definitely lands on the dorky side of the spectrum.  Sorry, Blaine!