Happy Birthday, Doc!

Sorry this is coming a little late but technically it’s still your birthday here on the West Coast!  We all wanted to wish you a very happy birthday and let you know that we were thinking about you today!  We hope you had a fantastic birthday and that everyone enjoyed the dinner out after all the cooking on Thanksgiving.  We can’t wait to see you in a few weeks!


Blaine, Sally Ann and Andrew


We decided not to travel for Thanksgiving this year (time zone changes are rough), so, instead, we hosted a few friends for a feast here in Seattle!

Daddy started prepping on Tuesday night and had things so under control on the big day that we all went out for a swing in the morning:

Here’s the turkey before:

And here’s the “after” shot – compliments to the chef!

Daddy made turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes (Blaine’s favorite), dressing (aka stuffing), and green beans.  Mommy assisted with the cranberry sauce.  Guests brought pies and salad and croissants.  While everything was cooking Blaine enjoyed playing with Hannah (age 2):

And they both loved playing with the balloons that Gram and Grand-dad sent!

Here’s the table set for dinner:

Complete with flower centerpiece which I’m proud to say I put together all by myself (after being talked into it by the flower lady at Whole Foods):

Here’s Jason carving the turkey while Daddy finished up all the other dishes:

And here we are all ready to dig in:

Blaine loved his first taste of pumpkin pie:

After dinner the McAdams family (Nellie, DH and parents) came over for a visit while we all digested.  All the credit goes to Daddy for a fabulous Thanksgiving, though of course we’re sorry to have missed out on the Great Falls Westbrook gathering this year.  Can’t wait to see everyone at Christmas!

Head First

Blaine loves going down the slide at daycare head first!

Here are a few pics from the “Family Feast” day before Thanksgiving:

And here are some other random pics from November:

Happy 30th Birthday, Uncle Tim!

Happy Birthday, Uncle Tim!  It’s hard to believe you’re turning 30!  We’re sending you all our love from Seattle and wishing we could be there with you to celebrate the big day.  Can’t wait to see you again soon — hopefully on the 14th but if not then certainly at Christmas!


Blaine, Sally Ann and Andrew


Happy Halloween, blog readers!  Here’s our little Spider Man before daycare.  Later in the day he transformed into Robin (we figured since he was Batman last year…).

We only hit 2 houses trick or treating before bedtime.  🙂  But we distributed treats to 422 trick or treaters!

Toddler Room

Blaine seemed happy to be back at daycare after vacation!  It was also a big week because he transitioned into the toddler room from the infant room!  Here’s a pic from Monday of Blaine in his new sneaks:

Such a big boy!  He spent more time each day and on Friday he officially transitioned.  I think he’s going to miss his infant teachers, but will probably enjoy the new toys and all the activity with the toddlers.