First Birthday Weekend

Blaine’s birthday celebrations lasted through the weekend!  On Thursday night Uncle Fran arrived from DC and on Friday we put him to work assembling this push car for Blaine.  Here’s Fran showing off the results of his labor:

And here’s Blaine enjoying his sweet new ride:

On Saturday Gram and Grand-dad arrived, and brought Blaine a beautiful framed family tree:

Daddy made a tasty lunch of tuna, chickpea salad, and green salad.  In the afternoon we all went for a walk in the park, and then Daddy made his delicious lamb curry for dinner!

Aunt Jody arrived late Saturday night and on Sunday morning we all went out for brunch at Coastal Kitchen.

After brunch we returned home for a nap (for Blaine) and party preparations (for the rest of us).  This included cooking and cleaning and decorating and gate setup (thanks to Grand-dad and Uncle Fran for figuring out how to make it work!).

Aunt Jody iced the yellow cake that Daddy baked with his delicious chocolate buttercream frosting:

Here, Uncle Fran and Blaine admire the result (Blaine recently figured out how to point, and now he points at everything):

And here’s the final result after Mommy decorated them:

Uncle Fran, Gram and Grand-dad also went on a last minute ice run and balloon pickup!  Blaine was SO excited about the balloons:

He especially liked whacking himself and Uncle Fran in the head with them:

At 3pm the guests started arriving, including neighbors, friends, and PEPS pals!

When it came time for singing and cake Blaine got a little overwhelmed by all the attention:

But after we got him out of the high chair he calmed down, and the crowd all joined in for an encore of Happy Birthday.

And then Mommy and Daddy helped Blaine blow out the candle:

The cake was delicious!