Baby Giraffe

On 9/14 we headed back to the zoo and got to see the one month old baby giraffe!  We learned he’d grown a foot in his first month.

We also got to see some baby jaguars and baby lions that weren’t really babies anymore– they’re getting big!  Just like Blaine.

Pulling Up

Blaine figured out how to pull himself up at daycare on Friday (9/13).  He was so excited he showed off his new skill right away when I picked him up.  And he’s been pulling up on everything this weekend!  Here’s a short video (link here).

That’s fast progress from last weekend when he’d only just started pulling up from a chair!

Month by Month

11 Months

We can’t believe that Blaine’s already 11 months old… 1 year is just around the corner!

Seward Park

We went for a walk in Seward Park and stopped to relax in some shade by the water.


Here’s a photo from 9/7 of Blaine in his monogrammed Director’s chair.  I believe this chair is from Mary and Jere Seelaus (Mom-Mom, correct me if that’s wrong?), and I’m also pretty sure I missed a thank you note on this one.  So sorry!  But here’s evidence of how much Blaine is enjoying his chair!

By the following day (9/8) Blaine was standing up by himself from the chair, and he’s progressed rapidly over the past week (more to come).

By the way, we still don’t know who gave Blaine this “rocktivity” center (which he loves) — please let me know if you know the gift giver.

Gift from Gram

Blaine enjoyed opening this gift he received in the mail from Gram!  It’s an adorable collared shirt from a company called “Harmont & Blaine”!  Thanks, Gram!


Blaine’s favorite food is blueberries, and he’s even learned the sign for “more” to make sure we give him as many as he wants.  (Well, actually, we usually have to cut him off even though he’s still signing more…)

I also added a video of Blaine signing “more” to the August album — link here.

That album also has a bonus video of Blaine enjoying some tennis balls.


We put child locks on all the kitchen cabinets, but not on these drawers… so of course they’re now Blaine’s favorite thing to play with!

Lummi Island

On Friday, 8/30, we took our first family roadtrip to Lummi Island, in the San Juans!

It was also Blaine’s first time on a boat… though the ride only lasted about 5 minutes and we were in the car the whole time:

He seemed pretty fascinated by just being in the front seat of the car:

We had lunch at the Taproot Cafe in the Willows Inn.  Blaine’s thinking, “Mommy, stop taking pictures and get me some real food.”  He loved the tuna and ham we gave him from our sandwiches.

After lunch Blaine had his first trip to the beach!

He was fascinated by the waves.  The water was freezing, but he seemed to enjoy having his toes dipped in the water:

He also enjoyed throwing rocks in (the direction of) the water and tasting the sand.

Here’s our room, which was right above the lobby.  Blaine slept fine in his pack and play and went to bed right on time at 7pm, making it an easy evening for his babysitter.

Mommy and Daddy had a delicious meal at the Willows Inn starting with this fantastic smoked Samish Bay Mussel:

We were up bright and early the next morning (thanks to Blaine) and out on the 8am ferry.