Happy Birthday, Granddad!

Happy Birthday greetings from Seattle/India!  We hope that it’s been a great one so far, with more fun to come. And, of course, we’re sorry that we aren’t there with you to celebrate, but we’re looking forward to seeing you again soon!


Blaine, Sally and Andrew

One thought on “Happy Birthday, Granddad!

  1. Blaine, Andrew, and Sally,

    This is the nicest birthday greeting. I wish you all were here and we would have a real celebration. In any case we will celebrate a much more momentous birthday shortly. Percentage wise Blaine will have a bigger part of his life to live between now and his party than my whole last year. He has grown so much since last time we saw him and he looks so happy that it is infectious. I hope that Sally and Blaine are doing well while Andrew is away and that Andrew will be leaving soon to come home.



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