(Early) Birthday Dinner

On Saturday 7/6 Robin and Reeves watched Blaine so Mommy and Daddy could go out for a special early birthday celebration at Canlis.  The food and drink were delicious and the view was amazing, but the best part was having a night out for just the two of us.  Thanks, Robin and Reeves!

First Independence Day

Gram and Granddad visited us for the 4th of July weekend this year!  They brought Blaine some new books that he absolutely loves:

We went out for brunch to Lola (another Tom Douglas restaurant) and Blaine enjoyed his first pancake:

It was a beautiful day so we played outside for awhile in the afternoon:

Blaine slept through the fireworks (despite a pretty substantial amateur fireworks display a neighbor put on…) and Mommy and Daddy were able to walk out to see the big display over Lake Union:

More Serious Pie

On 6/30 we returned to Serious Pie for some more Tom Douglas pizza!  The SLU location is connected to Serious Biscuit so we got a biscuit for Blaine, as well.

Wading Pool, 6/29

On 6/29 we walked over to see the Volunteer Park wading pool — it felt very festive with all the families sitting around on towels and the kids playing in the pool.  It’s only about an inch deep at the edge and then the center gets to be maybe a foot deep.  Blaine and I just sat on the edge and dipped our toes.

So Close

Blaine really wants to crawl — and he’s getting pretty close now!  He’ll get up on his hands and knees and rock:

And then he’ll lunge for something and end up on his tummy: