Happy Birthday, Uncle Fran!

We were thinking of you yesterday even though I didn’t get these posted until today!!  Hope that you had a fabulous birthday and that we get to see you again soon!

Love, Blaine, Sally Ann and Andrew

(P.S. Regular blog readers may notice we took a page from Arrested Development with tweaking the birthday sign… we’re all about reuse here in Seattle)  🙂

Happy Birthday, Mom-Mom!

Birthday greetings from Seattle!  Sorry that we are not there with you, but we’re all thinking of you and hoping that you are having a fantastic day!

Love, Blaine, Sally Ann and Andrew

Coastal Kitchen

On Saturday we went to the Bastille Day celebration in Madison Valley (no pics) and enjoyed some food and wine.

On Sunday we went for brunch at Coastal Kitchen (Blaine enjoyed his first waffles):

And in the afternoon we met up with our PEPS peeps at the wading pool in Volunteer Park.


1. Blaine enjoys this “Chomp!” book that Gram and Granddad sent him.

2. Blaine enjoys chomping on the “Chomp!” book, as below:

3. Blaine did not enjoy being chomped ON by one of his friends at daycare on Friday 7/12… 🙁  He survived, though, and we forgive the guilty party.  We expect Blaine will do some chomping of his own at some point.

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Mommy turned 33 (gasp!) on 7/10:

We sang Happy Birthday early so Blaine could join in:

And also so he could enjoy a fistful of cake!

After Blaine went to sleep Daddy cooked a delicious salmon dinner with his new sous vide machine (visible filling up in the sink, in the foreground are some beautiful birthday flowers):

Everything was so delicious — it was a very special birthday.  And extra nice to have cake both before AND after dinner… mmm

More Teeth

We were surprised to find Blaine’s 3rd tooth (right central incisor) on 7/5 — he didn’t even complain!  Tooth #4 (left central incisor) broke through the following Friday 7/12.

I don’t have any pics yet but here’s one of Blaine working on his sippy cup skills:

Month by Month

9 Months

Blaine would barely sit still for his 9 month photo shoot!  He kept trying to make a break for it.  🙂

Current stats are: Height 29″ (76%), Weight 20lb 14.5oz (69%), Head Circumference 46cm (77%).