First Father’s Day

Blaine made Daddy this adorable hand print card at daycare, and Mommy chipped in with some pecan waffles for breakfast:

Later on Sunday we enjoyed our get together with PEPS held in Volunteer Park.

In honor of Father’s Day, here are some of my favorites of Daddy and son:

First Sushi (sort of)

On Saturday 6/15 Blaine experienced two more firsts!  He seemed to enjoy his first furniture shopping (we’re still searching for that perfect dining table):

And he was very well behaved for his first sushi dinner at Nishino!  We arrived at 5:30 and sat at the sushi bar.  No sushi for Blaine, but he enjoyed watching the chefs.  And we ran into a colleague of Andrew’s from DESCO.


Blaine still loves Daddy’s shoulder…

Month by Month

8 Months

It’s hard to believe Blaine is already 8 months old!


I don’t think we can officially call it summer yet here in Seattle, but the weather has been warm enough for Blaine to break out some summer outfits — including this new one with the fire truck from Mom-Mom!

Mommy goes to SF (5/31-6/2)

Mommy went away for the first time, for two nights, to San Francisco for Masha’s wedding.

Daddy got Mommy a fantastic room with an unbelievable view, and there were also some great views of Mt Shasta, Crater Lake, and Mt Rainier on the flight home!

Seattle Zoo with the Mahoneys (5/26)

We all went to the zoo on Sunday, 5/26.  This time Blaine seemed to really enjoy the meerkats and the elephant.

And Blaine got to spend some more QT with Mom-Mom, Doc, and Molly before they left on Tuesday 5/28.

Aunt Molly’s Pre-Birthday Celebration (5/25)

Mom-Mom, Doc and Molly arrived back in Seattle from Alaska on Saturday, 5/25.

We decided to host Aunt Molly’s first birthday celebration of the year!  She dressed up (briefly) for the occasion:

Andrew made a delicious meal of halibut and quinoa and salad, and a special cheeseburger for Molly:

For dessert Molly requested a German chocolate cake (undoubtedly as a result of the tasty one featured on this blog from Andrew’s birthday)

She ended up opting for ice cream, instead, but the rest of us enjoyed the cake.  Lastly, here’s Molly in the birthday shirt from Blaine (and Mommy and Daddy), taken a few days later:


Gram and Granddad sent Blaine this adorable raccoon puppet from Italy!  Andrew’s not so fond of raccoons, but it seems to be a hit with Blaine!