First Tooth!

The other big news around here is that Blaine’s first tooth came in last week!  I’m pretty sure it cut through on Thursday night, 3/14.  It was his bottom tooth, just right of center.  The left bottom front tooth poked through early this week.  I’ll try to get a picture at some point if he lets me, but for now here are some pics of a family dinner on 3/21:

This was attempt #2 with solid food and Blaine seemed to be getting into it… he kept grabbing the spoon to feed himself.  Or maybe he just wanted to chew on the spoon…

Robin and Reeves Visit, 3/15-17

Robin and Reeves came to visit last weekend and we all had a great time!

On Friday night Andrew cooked a delicious dinner:

On Saturday we went to Ivar’s on Lake Union for brunch.  Blaine enjoyed watching the boats:

Robin and Reeves brought some goodies for Blaine including two wood toys made by Andrew’s grandfather for Andrew when he was a baby:

And this beautiful coat Robin made for Blaine:

Blaine enjoyed spending time with Gram and Grand-dad!

Bonus!  Here’s a random pic from 3/11 of Blaine in an outfit from Gram:

Big boy stroller

We tried out the regular stroller for the first time today!  Blaine seemed to enjoy it — we think because he’s facing forward and has a better view than in the carseat + snap-n-go.

First solid food

Blaine had his first taste of solid food on Saturday, as well!  Oatmeal cereal mixed with formula.  Most of it ended up on his face and shirt (we’ll remember to use a bib next time).

First bus ride

It was a beautiful sunny day on Saturday so we took Blaine on his first bus ride, the #10 down to Pike/Pine.  He seemed to really enjoy watching all the people get on and off and seeing the scenery go by.

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