
Blaine couldn’t decide who to root for so he wore a San Francisco onesie from Aunt Jody and his raven (well, actually crow) t-shirt on top…

Doula Jennifer

Doula Jennifer Mendelson came over on 1/30 to watch Blaine so Mommy could go to the PEPS Mom’s night out while Andrew was in India.  I had to capture their matching outfits!

They must have really been in synch — Jennifer put Blaine down for the night and he slept for his longest stretch ever — 12 hours without waking!

… Unfortunately that also marked the end of Blaine’s good sleep trend.  The next night he woke up 3 times and it just went on from there getting worse and worse over the course of the past week until two nights in a row when he was getting up every ~2 hrs.  So, now we’re officially doing sleep training!