A good day

Blaine and I had a good day yesterday!  We had a good night of sleep (10 hr stretch without waking) and met a neighbor and her 3 month old for coffee mid-day. Last night he went to sleep on his own (I put him down awake) with no crying, and he slept for 10 hrs again! Progress!  Though we are missing Daddy while he’s in NY.

At Mom-Mom’s request here are a few more videos of Blaine!

1. Blaine showing off his skill of grabbing the froggy ring on his bouncy seat — he’s been doing it for 2 or 3 days and now looks fairly bored with it. He pulled it about 8 or 9 times in a row earlier today and that music sure gets annoying.

2. Blaine’s giggles – apologies for the poor camerawork but it’s tough both tickling and shooting.

Link to the album is here

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