
Today Blaine and I visited daycare for the first time.  We went over after his morning nap and filled out paperwork, played a little, had a bottle, took a short nap, and ate and played some more.  We were only there about 4 hours.  I was able to snag a crib in the back right next to the noise machine for Blaine, but I still think sleep is going to be the biggest challenge.  He was clearly tired but had a tough time falling asleep.  When he finally did go down I went for coffee and when I got back found out Blaine had only slept for 25 minutes!  Oh well.  We’ll have to work on that.  Here’s the daily newsletter we’ll receive:

WHT 2-11-13 infant 1

Blaine is in infant room 1 (there are 3 rooms) and his room only has 6 infants right now (it will be 8 pretty soon).  There’s Blaine, Sydney (1 month older, her father works for Amazon on the same floor of the same building as I do!), Caroline (1 month older). Dylan (same as Blaine, ~4 mos), Vesper (don’t know age), and Matthew (the oldest… I think he’s nearing 1 year so will probably be moving on soon).  His teacher is Miss Debbie but they are hiring another primary teacher to work with her, right now the others are all assistants.

Blaine seemed a bit overwhelmed by it all (as was I!) but I’m hoping to ease the transition for us both by spending a few hours there with him for a few days this week.  Then next week I’ll plan to get some appointments scheduled and leave him for longer times.  I go back to work on Monday 2/25… 🙁

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