Doula Jennifer

Doula Jennifer Mendelson came over on 1/30 to watch Blaine so Mommy could go to the PEPS Mom’s night out while Andrew was in India.  I had to capture their matching outfits!

They must have really been in synch — Jennifer put Blaine down for the night and he slept for his longest stretch ever — 12 hours without waking!

… Unfortunately that also marked the end of Blaine’s good sleep trend.  The next night he woke up 3 times and it just went on from there getting worse and worse over the course of the past week until two nights in a row when he was getting up every ~2 hrs.  So, now we’re officially doing sleep training!

One thought on “Doula Jennifer

  1. Oh, so sorry to hear about the need for sleep training but the pictures are wonderful. He really is getting big.

    xo, Mom Mom

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