Blaine v. Brontosaurus

(Apparently more correctly known as the Apatosaurus)

Thanks to Uncle Jim and Aunt Denise for Blaine’s new friend!

Hosting PEPS, 1/9

We hosted PEPS on 1/9 and moved most of our furniture into the empty dining room to have enough seating for everyone.  There was a guest speaker from Nurturing Pathways who showed us new ways to play with our babies.  Blaine agreed to be the demo baby for playing on the sports ball:

3 Months

We celebrated Blaine’s first quarter on 1/8!


We’re all pretty obsessed with sleep right now.  Blaine hit a new record with a 10 hour stretch on 1/4!  He hasn’t been napping so well during the day, though, so Daddy installed some blackout shades in his bedroom which seem to be helping:

New Year, New Moves

Blaine’s been tackling some new moves in the new year.  On 1/4 we believe that he had his first deliberate roll from front to back.  He’s technically rolled before a few times during tummy time, but it was clearly accidental — he got his head high enough and then threw it to one side and the rest of his body followed.  🙂 But this time he pushed off one arm and kept the other arm tucked down until he rolled himself over!  It’s only been repeated once since then, though, but he’s definitely getting there…

He’s also working on a quasi-crawl that we’re calling the inch-worm.  While on his tummy he’ll scrunch up his legs and then push off with his knees to propel himself forward slightly.  He doesn’t have any coordinating arm movements though so he just pushes his head along in front, which he doesn’t seem to really enjoy.

Scene of the first roll:

First time in the bumbo seat:

In a new shirt from Uncle Fran:

Christmas trip, random

Here are a few more random shots from the Wynnewood trip…

Blaine got some great new outfits from Mom-Mom.  Here’s one that also captures him in the booster seat we started referring to as the “poop chair” after it brought on 3 out of 4 poopy diapers during our visit:

Looking sharp in his new sweater vest:

Philly pride in a onesie from Uncle Tim:

And taking a nap with Uncle Fran (outfit from Aunt Jane):

First Christmas

Blaine’s Christmas present to Mommy and Daddy was sleeping through the night.  Sadly he also fell asleep during presents in the morning and most of Christmas dinner.  Though he did make an appearance to meet all the Forsyth relatives (including the O’Gradys, the DiMaios, and the Richard Forsyth and John Forsyth families).

We also managed to get a shot for the Mahoney Christmas card, featuring Blaine in his Santa outfit from Mom-Mom: