First Christmas

Blaine’s Christmas present to Mommy and Daddy was sleeping through the night.  Sadly he also fell asleep during presents in the morning and most of Christmas dinner.  Though he did make an appearance to meet all the Forsyth relatives (including the O’Gradys, the DiMaios, and the Richard Forsyth and John Forsyth families).

We also managed to get a shot for the Mahoney Christmas card, featuring Blaine in his Santa outfit from Mom-Mom:

One thought on “First Christmas

  1. What an adorable Santa suit from Mom Mom!! Your holidays must have been EXTRA Jolly and Bright this year Sally Ann and Andrew. We are so sorry we missed your visit, but we’ll be sure to see you next time you’re East.
    Today (1/11) we received your BEAUTIFUL card! What a smiley, happy, baby sweet Blaine is! Thanks so much, for the card and this wonderful blog. What a great idea! Love, Aunt Ellen

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