

Blaine’s goal in life is to put everything into his mouth.

Sleep update

We’ve found a way to get Blaine to nap longer… we put him to sleep in his crib and when he wakes up crying after 30-45 minutes we quickly move him to the swing, and turn it off once he’s asleep.  That will extend his nap by another hour or more sometimes!  Of course, we hope eventually he’ll be able to stay asleep on his own in the crib during the day, but for now this is making him a lot happier!  We’ve settled into a loose schedule: up for the day around 7-8am, awake for 1.5-2 hours, then a morning nap, awake for another 2 hours, afternoon nap, awake 2 hours, short evening nap, awake for the evening, and sleeping by 7-8pm, with usually one nighttime waking for a bottle (sometimes two, and on rare occasions he’s slept the whole night through).


Thanks to Suzanne and Michael for the onesie!