Playtime, 12/4

Blaine’s getting better and better at tummy time, but he also tends to give up more quickly in favor of sucking on his hand…

Blaine’s also showing more interest in toys, such as this peacock which he managed to grab onto with just his pinky!

8 weeks old

Blaine turned 8 weeks yesterday, 12/3.  And today, 12/4, we celebrate the 8 week mark for this helium balloon from Sejin and Hannah (thanks, guys)!  Remarkable that it’s still hanging in there.

Birdie, 12/2

Blaine is starting to show some interest in his treetop playmat, particularly in one dangling birdie with a wooden teething ring.  He seems to be really focusing on batting at the ring, and has even managed to grab onto it a few times (potentially by accident, but still…)

On 12/3 we put him really close and he was finally able to get a taste:

Great Starts Birth Class Reunion, 12/1

On Saturday we got together with the other couples from our birth class to meet all the newborns and share our birth stories.  At the end we got all the little ones lined up for a photo.  Blaine showed off his stretching skills:

Which may have upset the little girl sitting next to him:

A swap was made so Blaine was sitting next to a girl who was less easily intimidated… 🙂

Believe it or not Blaine was the youngest baby there!

Big Week

We had our first PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) meeting on Wednesday night and got to meet all the other parents and babies that we’ll be meeting with weekly for 12 weeks! Blaine had such a good time he slept for 7 hours straight that night. It has not yet been repeated, but we’re hopeful.