Meeting Uncle Fran, 11/24

Uncle Fran dropped in on Saturday to meet Blaine on his way back from the Mahoney Thanksgiving in Wynnewood.  Blaine was asleep in his carrier when Fran arrived, but woke up to meet his uncle (and to eat, of course).  It was a brief visit, but Blaine will get to see Fran again at Christmas!

First Thanksgiving

The Westbrooks gathered in Great Falls to celebrate Thanksgiving.  We flew in from Seattle, Aunt Jody came from San Francisco, and Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Michael had a shorter trip from Baltimore.  Blaine also got to meet his great grandparents Dorothy and Fritz Wright, who took the train from Charlottesville.  The meal was delicious and Blaine thoughtfully slept through most of it in his carrier.  Special thanks to Robin and Reeves for thinking of everything Blaine could need for his first stay away from home! 

First Flight, 11/21

Blaine’s first flight was a red-eye direct from Seattle to Dulles on 11/21.  He couldn’t wait for takeoff and wanted to eat as soon as we sat down while everyone else was boarding.  Luckily he continued to eat all the way through takeoff (the swallowing is supposed to help with ear discomfort from pressure changes).  Blaine was a pro and slept for pretty much the entire red-eye, only waking up briefly to eat some more before passing out again.  One of the other passengers commented on his excellent behavior when we arrived in DC.


Poor baby had his two month pediatrician visit two weeks early for Thanksgiving.  That means he got three shots today (for hep B, polio, pneumococcal disease, dTap, hib) and an oral vaccine for Rotavirus.  He’s been needing a lot of loving this afternoon:

In other news he weighed in at 11 lb 11.5 oz and Blaine wowed them with his tummy time skills (see other post).

Reflux :P

I got this chair off Amazon to keep Blaine at the recommended 30 degree angle to prevent reflux but he wasn’t so crazy about it:

Robin Glass at Children’s Hospital made us a giant foam wedge for his crib which he seems to like a bit more:

Nellie and DH, 11/18

Nellie and DH dropped by to meet Blaine (and brought some delicious homebrew).

Robin and Reeves Visit 11/9-12

Robin and Reeves joined us for the weekend and gave us some much appreciated baby-free time — Andrew and I were able to sneak out for lunch on Saturday and Sunday!  Thanks, Robin and Reeves!  (And also for all the delicious food, Robin!)

Here’s a shot of Blaine in his cute green hat from Aunt Jan and family.

Tummy Time!

Blaine’s getting pretty good at the tummy time.  These are some early photos, but at today’s pediatrician appointment Dr. Hathaway was impressed to see that Blaine could almost raise his head to 90 degrees, which she said is the target for 4 months!